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Advancing Oral Health in America

The Institute on Medicine released a report titled Advancing Oral Health in America to highlight the role the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) can play in improving oral health and oral health care.

The report, released April 8, was created by a special committee organized in 2009 that explored ways to increase public awareness of the relationship and importance of good oral health to good physical health; promote prevention and improve oral health literacy to health providers and the public; and recommend ways to improve access to oral health care.

Dr. Alice Horowitz, a research associate professor at the SPH, was a member of the committee that reviewed current relevant oral health care actions, the barriers to progress and ways in which policy can improve access to oral health care.

Along with that, the committee examined existing oral health activities and programs; existing regulations, statutes and resources that affect efforts to support oral health care and research data; and financing and policy efforts that bear on oral health.

"We tried to see how HHS could have more of a real focus on oral health," Dr. Horowitz said. 

The committee recommended that HHS design an oral health initiative consistent with IOM’s proposed set of organizing principles, which are based on the areas in greatest need of attention and on the approaches that have the most potential for creating improvements.

In addition, the IOM stressed three key areas needed for successfully maintaining oral health as a priority issue: strong leadership, sustained interest, and the involvement of multiple stakeholders. 

Dr. Horowitz said if the committee's recommendations come together and there is a strong influence with HHS, it could be a model for states to follow in regards to oral health policies and practices.

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