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15 Mistakes Men wear condoms

    Condoms / safety tool having sex is a tool that sanagt meant for couples who do not want to get pregnant fast. However, Even though it looks easy and trivial, it turns out that not all men and women can always use a condom correctly when having sex. In fact, if used properly, condoms can prevent up to 98 percent chances of pregnancy and prevent sexually transmitted diseases.

The researchers

from Indiana University in the United States recently conducted a study of 50 studies on the use of condoms within the last 16 years.

The research results find a list of common mistakes made when couples use condoms. Here is a list of 15 mistakes condom use as reported Menshealth:

1. Late wear condoms

Research shows that between 17 and 51.1 percent of new male wearing rubber condom after sex. This will certainly reduce the effectiveness of condom use, especially in preventing sexually transmitted diseases.

2. Remove the condom when they had sex

The findings show, between 13.6 to 44.7 per cent of the volunteers involved in other research claiming to remove the condom before intercourse completion.

3. Open fully rolls a condom before use

The fact research shows, there are about 2.1 to 25.3 percent of study participants who claimed to have first completely unroll the condom before sex.

4. Do not leave space at the tip of the condom

The report shows, there are approximately 24.3 to 45.7 percent of men forget to leave room at the tip of the condom as a place for semen.

5. Do not remove the air from the condom

The survey also found that as many as 48.1 percent of women and 41.6 percent of men do not suppress or remove the air that is in the tip of the condom before use.

6. Condoms reversed

Between 4 and 30.4 percent of the study participants reported wrong in wearing a condom, but then they turned it over again and continue the use of condoms.

7. Failing to unroll the condom perfectly

When the researchers tracked sexual intercourse last longer conducted the study participants, it is known there were about 11.2 percent of women and 8.8 percent of men begin having sex before the condom unused rolls perfect.

8. Exposure sharps

It is known there are about 2.1 to 11.2 percent of men had been unwrapping a condom using a sharp object. The problem is that if the object you are using sharp enough to tear the condom wrapper, then there is likely to be joined torn condom.

9. There is keen to see the damage condoms

When opening the condom from its package, 82.7 percent of women and 74.5 percent of men reported that they failed to check for damage to the condom before use. What to do? Make sure the condom wrapper is not in a state torn and see the expiration date.

10. Not using lubricants

Between 16 percent and 25.8 percent of people reported having used a condom without lubricant. Why this could be a problem? Because, if you have sex for a long time, the condom is more likely to tear if not using lubricant.

11. Complications lubricants

Approximately 3.2 percent of women and 4.7 percent of men reported using oil-based lubricants with latex condoms. Lubricants with the basic materials will weaken the latex, which can make condoms prone to breakage.

12. One interesting condoms

Nearly 31 percent of men and 27 percent of women reported that after having sex, they fail to attract setelahejakulasi condoms.

13. Using condoms repeatedly

Research found that between 1.4 and 3.3 percent of people using condoms used. Condoms are the same used at least twice during sexual intercourse.

14. One storage

The findings show that between 3.3 to 19.1 percent of participants involved in the study of storing condoms in places that are not appropriate as indicated on the packaging. Avoid to store condoms in your wallet and do not store it in a place exposed to sunlight.

15. Do not use a condom at all

This latter error is not actually part of the study. However, it never hurts to be added in the list. According to a recent survey from the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior in the United States, only 45 percent of men aged 18-24 years who used a condom during sex with a partner. In fact, the survey also found that only 29.3 percent of men aged 25-34 years who wear a condom, and only 21.3 percent of men aged 35-44 years who used a condom.

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