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Risks Antibiotics On Toys Part 1

Author: Sinaga

Antibiotics were made as a drug derivative derived from living organisms or microorganisms, which can prevent the growth of or kill other microorganisms. "Antibiotics are obtained from the isolation of certain chemical compounds derived from microorganisms such as fungi, actinomycetes, bacteria. The results of the isolation of synthetic chemicals developed on an industrial scale,"

Antibiotics Can Cause Resistance Germs And Reduce Immunity.

"Doc, I'm confused, my baby, really, often alternating treatment of the same disease, flu and colds and flu," says a father diruang practice pediatrician, who immediately followed by his wife, "Yes, Doc. In fact, my baby has been treated in accordance with what doctors recommend, exclusively breast-fed, I've been eating healthy 4 5 perfectly cooked medium rare, the cleanliness of the rooms and the house is okay, as well as the air vents and light, it is appropriate international health standards, deh. "

Before the doctor could answer, the mother repeated, "Oh, yes, Doc, in my house no smokers, the air conditioning in the room was set at 25 degrees Celsius, every morning the AC is turned off and open the windows wide open. Also not only antibiotics, all the drugs that doctors prescribe is always spent like what the doctor said.

"While writing a prescription, the doctor responded," Bu-Pak, we are all human beings are still very little knowledge. So keep what you have mentioned Mr. and Mrs. earlier. Now we try first with this drug, hopefully successfully. "

"Stale!" Perhaps this statement will come out of the mouth of the father and mother earlier. Perhaps also we will say the same thing, if it-it just presented a doctor every time we questioned why the child must be sick every week.

Risks Antibiotics On Toys Part 1

Gara - Gara Antibiotics

According to Prof. Iwan Darmansjah, MD, SpFK., The baby should be feared by the alias disease rarely sick. Why? "Since the baby is still high fortified immunity brought from the womb, also obtained from mother's milk. So, everyday illnesses like the flu by heat, cough, pilek-, another viral disease, or even bacterial infection, should be rejected baby well, "said senior consultant Drug Clinical Trial Center of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (PUKO medicine) is.

Therefore, if the baby almost every week or twice a month can even go to the doctor, continued Iwan, "Of course there will be a big question. Is there something wrong from the environment, whether there is something wrong with the baby's body, or the doctor who misdiagnosed. "

Iwan argues, if the baby went to the doctor because of the flu only occasionally within a period of 6-12 months, still fairly reasonable. But when it's every 2-3 weeks should go see a doctor, it can not be said to be reasonable again. "This condition can occur if there are no complicating factors as well as the already avoid pencetusnya- factors, most likely because the baby always taking antibiotics prescribed by a doctor every time he was sick," he said.

In fact, not all diseases suffered by infants, especially flu, should be treated with antibiotics. Even the antibiotic doses, dose, or the size that has been adjusted for age, height and weight of the baby.

Fatal result

Important note, new antibiotics potent and efficacious when dealing with bacteria or germs. Antibiotics will not be able to kill the virus are also parasites. "Well, the incidence of fever with the flu, right, about 90%, even 95% is caused by a virus. So, misguided once if the baby had to take antibiotics because the flu will not resolve the problem, let alone cure the baby," said Iwan.

Misconceptions antibiotics will be redeemed expensive by the baby, which lowers the body's immunity to the baby. So do not be surprised if the baby is every fever always take antibiotics, not more than one month will definitely sore back. Furthermore, antibiotics showed no immediate effectiveness of the human body such as other drugs, but through its ability to kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria. Now, if there are no nasty germs to be killed he actually kills germs are good, and this is a side effect. Moreover antibiotics can cause resistance to germs and reduce children's immunity against viruses and bacteria.

Despite the resistance of germs is a logical natural phenomenon, but according to Iwan, the excessive use of antibiotics and irrational could accelerate resistance of germs in the body of the patient.

Other reactions which can be seen as giving antibiotics in infants is fever, allergic reactions, shock, until the worst is death, because the baby is not resistant to antibiotics are consumed. "Never mind the babies, adults only could die if he does not hold drank antibiotics," added Iwan.

Continued Risk Into Antibiotics At Baby Part 2

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