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SPH students and faculty honored at Merrill Presidential Scholarship Program

Two students and three faculty members in the School of Public Health were honored Friday at the Philip Merrill Presidential Scholarship Program, which celebrates the university’s most prestigious seniors and their designated mentors from Maryland and K-12.

Family Science senior Linda Billotti (center) with mentors
Dr. Marian Moser Jones (right) and high school teacher
Gretchen Martin. 
SPH seniors Linda Billotti and Joshua Schimmel chose Dr. Marian Moser Jones from the Department of Family Science and Dr. Eva Chin from the Department of Kinesiology, respectively, as their university mentors. Dr. Donna Howard from the Department of Behavioral and Community Health was selected by a senior in Undergraduate Studies, marking the fourth time in the last seven academic years that she has been recognized as a mentor by the program.

Billotti expressed gratitude for Dr. Jones’s guidance during her time at Maryland, writing in her program profile that Dr. Jones helped her explore different career paths and open her eyes to new perspectives. Billotti, who will pursue a career in social work, credited Dr. Jones for providing her with first-hand experience and opportunities that have pointed her down the road to success.

Schimmel credited Dr. Chin with reaffirming his desire to expand his knowledge and “research the unknown” as a kinesiology major. Dr. Chin granted Schimmel an opportunity to perform research in her muscle physiology lab and to pursue an independent research study of his own in the Spring 2013 semester. 

Kinesiology senior Joshua Schimmel with mentors
Dr. Eva Chin (right) and high school teacher Laura Mattick.
Undergraduate studies major Rebecca Silverman called Dr. Howard “an extremely dedicated, passionate and brilliant teacher who serves as the faculty mentor for my individual studies major, global women's health.” Dr. Howard’s Introduction to Public Health class sparked a growing interest in the subject for Silverman. The senior said Dr. Howard’s passion for public health has led to her own increasing passion for the field and has inspired her to continue to work hard and pursue the things that excite her. Silverman called Dr. Howard “an example and a role model” who took on the responsibility of overseeing Silverman’s major despite an already busy schedule.

Global Women's Health senior Rebecca Silverman (right) with
Behavioral and Community Health faculty mentor

Dr. Donna Howard.
The students received the designation of Merrill Presidential Scholars for their outstanding undergraduate achievements, and scholarships were given in the name of their K-12 mentors to a new first-year student from the teacher’s school district.

The program looks to build a community of scholars, university faculty members, and K-12 teachers that celebrates the importance of mentoring and teaching and fosters a future of mentorship for the next generation.

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