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Excretion System Disorders In Humans

Author: sinaga

Disruption In the event of human excretion system such as obstruction gallbladder, bile will get into the bloodstream, so the blood will be yellowish (jaundice). Instead, stool brown-gray (not yellow). Diseases of the heart is called hepatitis. The disease is caused by a virus there and some are caused by liver gland load is too heavy.

Excretion System Disorders In Humans

Water and mineral salts to be released through the pores of the sweat glands. Excessive sweating will cause a "salt hunger". Lack of salt levels in the blood will cause spasms and pingsanKegiatan sweat glands are affected by the regulating body temperature inside the brain (hypothalamus). In a state of higher body temperature (due to the high activity of the body, such as exercise or fever), then a lot of sweat coming out. Sweat on the body surface will evaporate by taking body heat. Thus, the body temperature will return cold (normal).

Discharge of water causes the body to water shortages and brain signaling / signal thirst on the body. Urine contains sugar someone can be caused by a particular factor that is said to suffer from diabetes mellitus or diabetes or diabetes. In a day we should drink at least 8 glasses of water to help the process of filtering by the kidneys. Lack of water can lead to deposition of residual substances in the kidneys or bladder that can form kidney stones.

Thus About Disruption of Human excretion system, may be useful ..

Source: IPA 3 Nenden Fauziah, Diamond Nurcahya, Naeli Nurlaeli

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