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Health and Environment

  What to do with the smoke in the environment around

Forests and Land in Riau cause smoke had surrounded and enveloped almost the entire region in the province of Riau and Riau threaten public health.
Results of ambient air monitoring carried out by the environmental institutions and private companies at some point in the province of Riau, it is known that the numbers of Air Pollution Standard Index (ISPU) or the Pollutant Standards Index (PSI) during the period of the last 10 days are in the HARMFUL category (> 300 PSI).
Under Article 26 of Government Regulation No. 41 Year 2009 on Air Pollution Control, the above situation is Emergency Air Pollution, so the governor can issue a decision Establishing and Announces Emergency Air Pollution in Riau Province. This decision will provide certainty of steps that must be done to prevent worse effects specific to public health so that people can take action with regard to emergency smoke.

Based on the Decree of the Minister of Health R.I. No. 289 / Menkes / SK / III / 2003 on Procedures Pegendalian Impact of Air Pollution on Health As a result of forest fires, the activities carried out in the Emergency or Disaster Smoke phase include: Monitoring, Quick Response Measures, Partnership, Reporting and Information Dissemination.

Monitoring actions: the frequency of air quality monitoring is done every day for 24 hours. Air quality data (ISPU), can also be obtained from the Department of Health or cross-cutting (the Environment Agency or other units in the area that manage environmental issues) and the air quality monitoring stations owned by the company / other private; monitor the incidence of diseases related to smoke, may be obtained from the health service units both public and private; analyzing the results of air quality monitoring and disease to define the category of danger and recommendation countermeasures.

Quick Response action: to enable each unit of health care every day, ranging from field medical post, health center, to the Hospital; distribute logistics needs, whether it be personal protective equipment (masks), the air filter chamber, pharmaceuticals, as well as filters and reagents; monitoring air quality and disease data on a daily basis; evacuating communities affected by forest fires.
Measures Partnership: cooperation among the private sector and in the measurement of air quality, distribution logistics, evacuation, counseling and dissemination of information in disaster management.

Reporting: managing all well and communicate the data to the parties that require a decision pegambilan material.

Dissemination of information: mainly the effect of air quality on the health of that society, NGOs, and all related sectors siapsiaga.

Based on the Decree No. 289 / Menkes / SK / III / 2003 on Procedures Pegendalian Impact of Air Pollution Forest Fire Due To Health and the Environment Agency of Singapore, if the figure is ISPU (PSI)> 300, then action should be taken in order to protect public health from smoke , divided into 3 parts, namely:

    Groups of healthy individuals: reduce the activities outside the home, if forced to leave the house in order to wear N95 masks
    Groups Elderly, Pregnant, Toddlers and Kids: avoid activities outside the home, and if forced to leave the house, to adulthood in order to wear N95 masks,
    Chronic Lung Disease Patients Group, Heart and Stroke: prohibited activities outside the home, if forced out of the house to take their Maske N95.

In addition it should be done immediately evacuate selective for: children under five, pregnant women, the elderly, and people with respiratory problems to place / space free of air pollution and if there is activity in the office had to use the air conditioner or air purifier (water purifier).

According to Kathryn Ostermann in Water Quality during Haze Episodes and its Impact on Health mitigation measures can be to deal with the impact of smoke on health, among others:

    The use of masks: Evaluate the results of Qian, et al on the effectiveness of filtering particles from three types of masks are N95 masks, dust masks and surgical masks figures obtained respectively 98.8%, 86% and 80%
    Were in the room: although this method is not very effective due to the penetration of particles from outside into the room, but according to several studies indicate that indoor levels of pollutants in the lower dibadingkan outdoors. Particle levels will be much lower if the room is equipped with an air purifier that is adequate.
    The use of an air purifier
    Provide refugees during the emergency room equipped air cleaning equipment.

Based on distribution maps of smoke due karhutla issued by ASEAN Spesialised Meteorological Centre (ASMC) in Singapore on March 13, 2014 provides some information, among others:

    Hot spots (hotspots) are monitored satellites are not in Riau province alone but there are also other ASEAN countries such as Miyanmar, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore.
    The distribution of smoke was detected in the region of Sumatra, especially in Riau, West Sumatra, Jambi and North Sumatra as well as Malaysia and Singapore. The thickest smoke (dense haze) terkonsetrasi in Riau region.
    The dominant wind direction that affects the distribution of smoke.

ASEAN Regional Distribution Map Smoke On March 13, 2014

The picture above explains why in Riau Province is very thick smoke caused by the extent of the burnt area in Riau province and the dominant wind direction from the north and northeast, while the source of the fire or smoke is generally located in the region, so that the center be some smoke spread is in the region Lists such as Pekanbaru, Siak and districts / cities. If the burnt area is not immediately extinguished and the wind direction does not change, then the smoke condition in Riau next few days will not change much even be getting worse.

For the Government, the Government of Riau Province and Regency / City in Riau should immediately respond to current conditions by performing the following actions:

    Set and general air pollution emergencies in the province of Riau
    Open Command Post Free Health Care 24 Hours in areas vulnerable to fire and smoke
    Pengungian provide space for community groups at high risk such as Elderly terhada smoke, Toddlers and Children, Pregnant Women, Patient Lung and Heart and Stroke.
    Spread appeal through the print and electronic media and leaflets by air to the entire community in order to limit the contents of Riau that activities outside the home, wear a mask, and went to health care centers if you have health problems due to the smoke.
    Maximize the fire fighting effort in the field by deploying more personnel, including firefighters extinguishing through the air with sufficient air.
    Law enforcement that can provide a deterrent effect for the forest burning and / or land.
    Reduce meetings but maximize the action on the field, "forest fires in the field rather than in offices or meeting rooms".

Smoke emergency situation that occurred in Riau this time should be given serious attention and a top priority of all parties, especially the government sehingag effective control measures can be done so that the loss of economic, ecological and public health can be prevented. Hopefully.

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