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Save Forests as World Lung Moderate Pain

Forest is one of the organs that are important to the world. The forest was likened to our heart is the organ that is most important for us, if his heart broken man certainly will die, if the forests die or become extinct and none at all forests then this world will be dead or impending doom. Therefore, let us maintain and preserve the World Heart us that this world is not dead. What if the world is not a jungle?, What happens next when our grandchildren live without the forest?, Who is responsible for all this?
 Supposed to be responsible for all that happens is that mainly is pemerinta, because the government has the authority to maintain and preserve the world's environment including the world's heart.
After the government that is responsible is our small community because the community is very influential in this natural state. If people do not deforest haphazardly it will lead to further deforestation would make global warming. Therefore we should save the use of a small community goods made of wood, because if we are wasteful use of paper goods, the production will increase in the world's forests and forest will be reduced or become bald.
Therefore, let us do reiboisasi jungle forests in the world that does not become bald. The proper way to prevent this from happening deforestation is the first selective cutting, selective logging system is where the trees are not cut down old trees are still young, the second is the government should conduct a program of planting a thousand trees along the small people that already denuded forests will be replaced by a thousand trees planting program that essentially reduces tree forest bare.
The time is right to undertake reforestation on denuded forests are henceforth Because now many deforested and global warming are increasingly becoming. Therefore let us stop indiscriminate logging and reforesting deforested with the slogan "one million tree of life".

Indonesia is a tropical area overgrown by jungle. And forests in Indonesia is very important for the life of the world, because it is the lungs of the world. Because forests in Indonesia as the largest producer of oxygen for the developing countries and other developed countries.
Much overgrown forest of green trees provide a cool atmosphere and a lot of beauty for people who can manage forests wisely.
However, developments on the contrary, many felled forests started and carried encroachment, so that the function of the forest turned into plantations or agriculture. In the past many perennials are planted with hundred-year-old wood and create shade and the air becomes cleaner as filtering CO2 by forest plants, but since the destruction of forests changed into agricultural land, plantations, and also the construction of a residential area, so the ability to absorb water into less so in some places often flood and landslides.
The amount of deforestation that occurs everywhere resulted in global warming which means increasing the average atmospheric temperature, sea and land.
And during the rainy season, there was a flood disaster is not expected, because the forest is no longer able to absorb water, so the water flows to the flooded settlements. And the disadvantaged is human.
Because of the very poor condition of the forest this means that forests as the lungs of the world become sick and do not work with baik.Marilah governments and communities together to work together to heal the Indonesian forests of this prolonged illness. By implementing reforestation programs, where the trees are taken advantage must be replaced by 1000 or 1 billion tree replacement, so the forest does not become bare and barren.
And replacement of the trees in the forest that has been cleared can not be fully met by reforestation, because the trees are planted takes a long time to grow into besar.Jadi greening should be done at any time and plant and forest trees shall be preserved ,
For that let us grow our self-awareness to be able to play an active role in preserving our forests, forests of Indonesia. And the implementation of reforestation starting from the family as the smallest communities participated by planting plants in the garden around his home environment and with the unification of all family members to one another to create an atmosphere that is green and cool through the greening movement. And for the Indonesian government, cut logging license and a lot more movement reforestation barren lands, so as to create beautiful forests, clean and can function again as the lungs of a healthy world.

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