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Satan At the Schoolhouse Gate

Homosexuals want into the Catholic schools in order to create a new sex scandal to destroy the Church: more sexual molestation of children.

Philly Catholic School Facing Severe Legal Punishment After Firing Lesbian Teacher

I like the quotes around married in the headline.
Uproar in Philly as Catholic ‘married’ lesbian director of religious education fired
"It's not for any other reason but the fact that she is a homosexual," said parent Anthony Archievala. "We were shocked because she'd been there for so many years."

"It's time to get the attention of the archdiocese and the Catholic hierarchy and let them know this is illegal," parent Katie Culver said.
The Catholic Church needs to begin a purge of all homosexuals. You cannot dance with the Devil and try to play the game of political correctness. If you know an employee is a practicing homosexual or if a celibate homosexual openly defends sodomy, they must be fired, defrocked and physically removed. If you do not do that, you risk running afoul of the law. Stop taking any government money.

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