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Disease outbreaks, China Seals Small Town

Disease outbreaks, China Seals Small Town

Time passed after a widespread outbreak and inflicting pain to humans. Advances in technology treatment and supervision of risk has greatly helped the fight against a number of outbreaks of disease, however, there are still outbreaks and bring anxiety.

As a precaution after a man died of plague or bubonic plague last week, a small town in China made an enclosed area and there are 151 people were placed in quarantine, as reported by the Guardian.

, according to China Central Television (CCTV), the 38-year-old man died of the disease on Wednesday. He allegedly had contact with a dead guinea pig. The animal is a kind of large ground squirrels are commonly found in the mountains.

In an effort to prevent additional cases, CCTV reported that 30,000 residents of Yumen, located in the northwest province of Gansu, forbidden to leave the city. Police have put up roadblocks around the city to prevent people coming to use the vehicle.

Furthermore, four quarantine sector has been created in the city and for those who had contact with the man who died, but so far no reports of other cases.

"The city has a reserve of rice, flour and oil, which is enough to supply all the residents of this town until the next month," CCTV said. "The locals and those in quarantine are in a stable state."

Pestilence is one of the oldest diseases known to mankind. The disease was indeed famous, and has left its mark in history.

The disease is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis that infect a number of different animals such as mice, squirrels, and dogs fields. These bacteria continue its existence in a cycle involving these animals and their fleas.

There are three major pandemic outbreak in recorded history. The first recorded outbreak was "Justinian Plague," which began in 541 BC and continued until 200 years, killing more than 100 million people.

The most famous is the "Black Death" that occurred in the 14th century and finished about 60% of the entire population of Europe. The last pandemic emerged in China in the 1860s and killed about 10 million people.

Pestilence is still endemic (common) in many parts of the world and spread widely in the areas of tropic and sub-tropic and are common in sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar.

The disease is still emerging in the US, between 1900 and 2010, and recorded the existence of 999 confirmed cases. The disease is highly contagious and serious Medil if aid is not immediately done, but a common antibiotic can fight the disease.

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