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Perfect Example of Exhausted Left

No better example of left-wing craziness than these two article on the Daily Beast, side by side. Without fresh ideas to carry it forward, the progressive left suffocates like a shark, killed by its own rhetoric. Identity politics can carry a movement forward if it has achievable goals, but once its goals are gone, all it has left is identity. The KKKrazy Glue works at keeping a coalition together to pass the Affordable Care Act, but if there's nothing on the horizon, then the only thing left is the KKKrazy Glue. At the same time, the white reaction to KKKrazy Glue is to become a "white supremacist." I don't know how things are where you live, but regular folks who hold regular, safe political views, are saying things that are unrefined alt-right talking points. An average mom, commenting on the student protests at Missouri said to me, "What white privilege will my daughter ever have?!"

Daily Beast: Rush Limbaugh’s Favorite New White-Power Group
At the least, Roy was strategic; he got America’s most-listened-to talk radio host to obliviously thumbs-up a white supremacist movement. What Roy left out of his interview is that the alt right is a neoreactionary effort comprised of right-wing agitators brought together by their opposition to immigration (in particular, Hispanic and Muslim immigration), animosity to Muslims, and general opposition to multiculturalism (they call it cultural Marxism). They hate political correctness, they like Donald Trump, and they love dubbing their enemies “cuckservatives.”
The very next article on the Daily Beast website (at the moment if you scroll down from the first, you get this): Brown University Professor Denounces ‘McCarthy’ Witch-Hunts

The progressive left is creating its own nightmare. The KKKrazy Glue puts everything into a racial lens and see most right-wing opposition as "white supremacy." In the next year or two, the white supremacist movement will have grown from maybe 50,000 or 100,000 people into a "white supremacist" movement of 50 to 100 million people. The left is brainwashing itself into insanity.

Ramzpaul responds to being named in the first story: Betsy Woodruff, the Alt Right and RAMZPAUL.

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