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Secure Is For Human Food Preservatives

Author: Sinaga
preservative included in the group of food additives which are pharmacologically inert (effective in small quantities and not toxic). Preservatives use very wide, almost all industries to use it, including the pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and food. In the health sector, including the pharmaceutical use of preservatives restricted the type and amount of use.

Because Indonesia is lagging behind in the field of research, the diadopsilah existing rules in the WHO. Especially for food preservatives Permenkes rules in accordance with Decree No. 722 / Menkes / Per / IX / 88 (Anonymous, 1988) Industries that already has ISO 9001 production would have applied good management so that many are already reducing the number of lawyer-use of preservatives or not clicking -use preservatives again (dairy products, tea in a bottle)

Often there are misconceptions about the preservative for food that seems safe to use as long as not to cause poisoning or death (acute toxicity), but the actual cause damage to human organs in the long term (chronic toxicity) (Hardman JG et al 1996). This hazard can occur because the food products eaten every day, in contrast to oral drugs are used only when sick.

Secure Is For Human Food Preservatives

The need for food preservatives in small industry (household) because of the cleanliness of the place, the means of production, and production processes that do not qualify. In accordance with the competition that happens of course more and more products that can be made will be increasingly low price of these products so as to seize the market.

Due to this it requires chemicals to help the stability of the product if sales targets are not reached (the product is not sold within a certain time) If these chemicals are not included in the group are permitted user-ness as a preservative by the government once there is a reason of course, is primarily chronic toxicity hazard due to be pharmacologically inert.

Indonesia's purchasing power low by the crisis that took place since 1998, as a result people need cheap food needs in accordance with the financial affordability. Cheap food is tofu, tempeh, fish, salted fish. These food products are eaten by most people of Indonesia on the upper economic levels to low.

If the product is contaminated it will be very detrimental to Indonesia's development plan and would undermine the ability of future generations to compete face of globalization. Losses that arise not only that but also confidence in the food contaminated with it will disappear and will go another product from overseas as a replacement, it is certainly not desirable.

Chemical compounds when inibanyak contained in tofu, fish, ikanasin, and wet noodles are formalin (formaldehyde solution 37% in the 10-15% methanol and water). Formalin in mem-punyai BM = 30 with RM CH2O (2).

Because of the small molecule is memu-dahkan absorption and distribution into body cells (Anonymous, The CompleteDrug References, 2005. The cluster has been very active karbonilyang dapatbereaksi with -NH2 of pro-Tein that exist in the body that settles membentuksenyawa (Anonymous, The Merck Index 12 th 1996).

Enzymes, hormones, or receptor is a protein tertiary / quaternary that if react with carbonyls of formaldehyde can cause loss of its specific nature. Metabolite found in RNA and DNA will be able to bind to the carbonyl group resulting formaldehyde gene defect is a result of long-term cancer (Anonymous, 2005, WHO 2006).

Effects of formaldehyde in food products containing protein such as tofu, meatballs, fish, salted fish, and noodles can already be seen that change its consistency becomes hard or chewy on the product, of course this will happen also if formalin free entry into the organ and reacts the proteins of the body, then the cell membrane, cartilage hardens; enzymes, and hormones will change or not functioning. The permeability properties of the cell will be lost, as a result the process of absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of the body will be disrupted. Of course the pharmaceutical community in particular and Indonesia in general must immediately find a way out if you do not want this to continue.

Pemerintahmelalui MOH, POM, Ministry of Industry, Deperdag, and the Health Department and its staff must have been aware of this case and are thinking of ways to overcome this problem would be quickly resolved if all parties concerned feel responsible for the quality of men-coming generation. The government must immediately mem-beri guidance, counseling, adequate assistance for production and environmental sanitation, as well as production management so that it can prove that by complying / understand the way it turned preservatives are not needed anymore.

Source: Opinion From Harmita Lecturer in the Department of Pharmacy Faculty-UI, Depok

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