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Tips f or Healthy Living Without Drugs

Author: Sinaga
Tips for Healthy Living Without Drugs, multi-complex life today allows us to overrun during the "disease" strangely difficult to overcome, either by its own immune system or drugs. How do tricks to keep us healthy without having to frequently seek treatment. It is no secret that our body has an immune system that is able to protect the body from disease. That is, if the system works! Sometimes love has crashed. If it were so, so so be it! We are forced to seek treatment. However, undoubtedly also does not hurt, tried various tricks of life to prevent disease without depending on drugs. Everywhere, to prevent it before it occurs is better than cure that was already rife. Here are 10 tips Tips for Healthy Living Without Drugs that can be used for it:

Tips for Healthy Living Without Drugs

1. Know Yourself, Good Physical Nor Psycho

This is somewhat philosophical, indeed, but in fact precisely here lies the key to everything. By identifying yourself, we can know all the physical weakness of our bodies, then can decide what is good and should be done to the body, and what is not. People who unwittingly eating salty foods easement is berlebi-han, for example, eventually felt her body changing, as quickly feel dizziness, reduced body balance, and a variety of symptoms often feel unwell.

Having examined the body to the doctor, his body began to develop a new unknown "disease" of high blood pressure. If since then he tried earnestly to reduce salty and fatty foods, while doing light exercise regularly, then the "disease" was not easy recurrence, and he does not need to frequently go to the doctor again. If you have a complaint like that, seyogianyalah imitate anyone who knows the weakness itself. Likewise person irritable and difficult to control themselves because they do not know the shortcomings themselves. After identifying weaknesses, and want to improve adverse habits, long he is adept at keeping not easy ter-fishing emotions. It was a blessing he seeks to know himself as well.

2. Do not rush Feel Pain

Just because sneezing, coughing, or a slight fever, people have memu-voted to take medication. Though often after standing for three days, the symptoms go away. The body does have the ability to heal all alone. Only with adequate rest, pain symptoms were gone yourself. Dizziness symptoms can sometimes even disappear just because a breath of fresh air in the garden that is not polluted exhaust air. Symptoms of coughing and sneezing is a serious sign, too, that the body is trying complaining-arkan germs from the respiratory tract. Sweating fever is a sign the body is fighting germs attack. Ge-nets if it lasts for three days, because of the severity of the attack, so what may make, we to the doctor for a medical consultation.

3. Ensuring Variations Everyday Meals

Doing variety of fine dining, start from the assumption that there are certain foods that are more useful than ordinary foods daily. If we use this as a distraction for the type of food everyday, then the two groups of materials that can complement each other.

When we used to eat chicken and beef, you should change the habit, and occasionally eat fresh fish, tempeh, and tofu se-like interludes. This material has a content of unsaturated fat that many, and potentially reduce the risk of high blood pressure. Se-behind, if we are accustomed to eating fish, tempeh, and tofu egg a day-to-day, at a special occasion meal eaten at the invitation bride, or a large family gathering, take only chicken or beef.

Animal meat protein plays maintain the growth rate of the body and replace cells damaged tissue. As well as vegetables. If day after day we eat green vegetables, because they thought that it was definitely a good all-green, occasionally need to eat a variety of vegetables and fruits are not green, like tomatoes, carrots, baby corn, red peppers (a vegetable), bananas, mangoes , apples, citrus fruits (as dessert).

4. Adjust Depth Consumption by Age

The amount of nutrients that the body needs varies depending on age, type of activity, and body condition (in sickness or health). In children and adolescents who are in full swing tum-2 buh, the five elements in food (carbohydrate, protein, fat, vi-Tamin and minerals, and water) are indispensable, so it does not need to be restricted. In contrast, in adults and the elderly, pembata-san was absolutely necessary. Carbohydrates and fats as a producer of e-nergi should be reduced in number, considering their physical activity su-dah decreased. How to reduce carbohydrates and fats are den-gan reduce the portion of rice and fried. Conversely, vitamins and minerals and water it must be eaten with sufficient.

These substances are very necessary to accelerate the body's metabolism, and increase durability. Just keep in mind that most good is to wear natural vitamins, such as that contained in the fresh fruit and vegetables. While drinking water must be sterile, safe from germs, such as mineral water qualifies as mineral water. May also plain water is always already re-bus first. Approximately 60dari our body weight is water or liquid. That means we should drink more water than the un-sur other foods. People who are ill and was forced to take medication, even should drink more water.

Patients 'disease' difficult urination, can be helped out of his misery with every day to drink 2-3 glasses of water before going to the back. Pro-Tein consumption in adults and the elderly also need to be reduced, though not as much as the reduction of carbohydrates and fats. How to reduce pro-Tein this is to replace animal protein diet with food sources of vegetable protein, the protein content of less or only a little. For example, beans, tofu, and tempeh.

5. Exercise Regularly accordance Capabilities

Exercise aimed at improving blood circulation, and rapid-deployment take into nerve impulses to parts of the body or vice versa, so that the body always fit. Many people, no matter the sport we are also moving bodies like sport, when doing physical work everyday like sweeping the floor, cleaning, washing, and drying clothes. But whether the "sport" of this kind can be done regularly and berkesi-sustainabil-? That's a problem in itself!

Required a strong will, based on the belief that sport is absolutely necessary in order to keep the body fit, because the blood circulation diperlancar earlier. On its turn can boost immunity. The patients with high blood pressure, heart disease, lung infections, and urinary ma-nis, should consult a doctor first to determine what type of exercise is suitable. Usually exercise intensity ren-dah and do not be too long. Normal people who do not wheeze-dap disease, excellent chose high aerobic exercise such as swimming capacity, high impact aerobics, stationary bike riding, and jogging.

6. Always Maintain Health

Clean environment in the house, yard, and a residential complex backs give a fresh and comfortable atmosphere. A US study showed that the group of houses that have pages and well-ordered environment, green, and beautiful, has a percentage of Mo-health-inhabitants is much better than the poor house group of plants. Clean environment also makes our bodies clean, both physical and spiritual. This condition can prevent sperm coat-like skin infection, dust allergy, flu, bronchitis, and "diseases" such spiritual stress, frustration and depression, the culprit of the decline sis-tem immunity.

7. Taking Time to Relax

Take the time does not mean asking more rest than work productively to exceed propriety. No! Take the time to break it up a bit, and this is necessary, to set kendo moment of tension rush hour to work everyday. This should be done regularly. Relax also does not mean having to do recreation exhausting, but quite come together to discuss ma-one daily with office colleagues, neighbors or family at home. It is not possible, they can help solve the problem, or at least lighten the burden of the mind. Bersan-tai alone with brooding and introspective also necessary. More frequent and routine is done, the better the balance of our souls.

Comfortable beds also form a relaxing alone. Stamina will recover quickly, and the balance of hormones in the body too quickly ter-achieve. Tired body and mind tangled if allowed prolonged (until it is brought to the bedroom), will reduce the power of the immune system. In turn facilitate disease.

8. Back to Nature / Back To Nature

Trend in the early 1990s in the West have long experienced-based pages that lifestyle in modern times encourage people downloading composed eating habits, such as eating more often ma-right-canned, bottled chili sauce, or fruit preserves. Also rarely air-exercise because of the ease wearing household tools, such as washing clothes in the washing machine, sweeping the floor with a vacuum cleaner, traveling by vehicle, but just close and healthier done on foot. Our bodies are so spoiled, because it rarely moves, so easily hurt because of softening.

Instead, throughout the martial arts warrior, despite living in the midst of modern times, always healthy body because they often walk, exercise routine den-gan moving the body, and do not use the tools of modern technology results that make people so mushy. To go back close to nature, we instead have to go into a martial arts warrior, but at least avoid canned foods, and instead take into-eat plenty of vegetables and fresh fruit.

9. Treat Respiratory

Respiratory processing means regulate the manner and frequency of breathing to be more efficient. Breathing the air (oxygen) slowly in a matter of 15 then release it slowly as well in a matter of 15, we can withstand oxygen in the body longer than usual. Oxygen will be used by the body organ-tif effect, albeit only slightly.

So far, we breathe with irregular frequency. Sometimes slow, sometimes fast. Diirup oxygen also quickly out again. Not until put to good use, was already out. In one minute we benapas five times or more. However, with regular practice the breathing frequency can be less than five times in a minute. Every time is always in, and useful. As a result, oxygen is inhaled quite a bit of it, but it was effective. Organs of the body will adjust to this little oxygen availability, and it would benefit the body. Therefore, with a little oxygen, but nonetheless have been effective, the body is not flooded respiratory outcomes in the form of CO2 a lot, which is not good for health.

10. fond of Reading Health

The phrase "Do not know it was love, not love then do not love" is very fitting to satirize those who want a healthy body, but did not bother to approach literature on health. If close, we will know the ins and outs of health was better, and the conveniences expected in-dian can use it to draw up a strategy to avoid disease.

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