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Diet menu that Make More Hot Couple in Bed

To be able to do 'action' on the bed, the couple must have stamina and a healthy body. To get it, of course by leading a healthy lifestyle, one of them eating foods that may improve performance.

Sex diet basically consists of foods and healthy habits that make couples are sexually active and fit. There is no strict diet, this is just a term that indicates the practice and benefits of touch.

Here are some foods that can be incorporated into your sex diet menu, as reported Boldsky, Tuesday (02/04/2013):

1. Strawberries

Strawberries are not only good for the heart, but also for the performance. If you want to diet, do not forget to include red aphrodisiac into your menu.

2. Spinach

This super food is very good work to improve performance. Enter vegetables are rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals into your diet.

3. Asparagus

If you are on a diet, you can enter this aphrodisiac foods to boost your encouragement. Asparagus can be eaten with boiled or steamed with cheese.

4. Oatmeal

Oatmeal is one of the healthy foods that can improve performance. Oatmeal can increase testosterone levels in the body, which helps better performance in activity.

5. Oysters

In addition because of its shape resembles the female genitals, this seafood contain lots of zinc which can increase the production of testosterone in men.

6. Dark chocolate

You can use the dark chocolate to improve life or satisfy your mouth. Dark chocolate contains a natural chemical called phenylethylamine, which can increase levels of endorphins in the body.

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