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Easy Ways to Stay Active on Vacation

Palm trees. An ocean breeze. A warm sun. A reclining chair and a cool drink next to me. When I start to fantasize about vacation, visions of beaches and ultimate relaxation start to dance in my head. Gone is the stress over to-do lists or work obligations...really anything involving the word “work,” and that includes working out.

But escaping from stress doesn’t have to mean sitting out or staying still. Sure, it might be time for a break from your usual fitness grind, but you can still live the vacation high life and keep your body moving by following these four guidelines:


One of the best ways to incorporate physical activity into the vacation lifestyle is to take a walk. It’s fun to explore a new place, whether that’s New York City, the beach, or grandma’s neighborhood. Make sure you do your exploring on your own two feet and you will reap the benefits of an active body as well as an exciting new environment. So if you’re in a city, try to walk between sightseeing destinations, so that you can walk instead of taking a cab. If you’re in a place of natural beauty, check out hiking trails that will allow you to see nature up close. If you’re visiting relatives, bond with them by letting them give you a tour of their hometown on foot, or all taking the dog for a walk together as the sun sets.

Take Advantage of What’s New Around You

Being in a new place can upset your routine if you are used to working out at a specific time or place. Instead of letting vacation disrupt your exercise plans, look around to see how your destination can help you shake it up. Who cares if you are away from your treadmill or local exercise studio? The beach could be a beautiful place for a morning run or a yoga session. Similarly, check out the local public parks if you are in a big city for a fun new exercise setting. There might even be an opportunity to try something new like beach volleyball or pick-up basketball. Embrace the change of location and you can make staying fit part of your vacation fun.

Go Dancing

Dancing can be a great way to sneak in some cardio. Explore the nightlife of your new locale by dancing the night away. As long as you don’t overdo it with high calorie drinks like soda or alcohol, your time out on the town can be great for getting your heart rate up and your calorie count lower.

Stay away from Screens

Whether it’s a computer screen, a television screen, or a silver screen, entertainment devices like these are no good when it comes to vacationing or staying active. Vacation is a time to enjoy family and a new environment: you can’t do those things if you’re staring at a screen. Furthermore, we tend to remain sedentary when we’re watching a show, which means we aren’t keeping our bodies active the way we should. Try to save activities like trips to the movies or catching up on television shows for rainy days when going outside isn’t an option. You’ll have more fun and your vacation will be more memorable.

These are all great tips for spicing up your vacation with a little healthy movement. But they are also great tips for everyday life! See if you can bring vacation back to your normal life by walking, trying new things, dancing, and staying away from screens. You might not have palm trees, but you can still have healthy fun.

Written by:
Jessica Bickel-Barlow 

Jessica is a recent graduate of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois where she majored in Radio, Television, Film (RTVF) and English Literature. She worked for the Michael and Susan Dell Center during the summer of 2013 as a Communications Intern and she is thrilled to be returning to the Center this summer to further contribute her writing skills. 

[image source: flickr/anieto2k]

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