google-site-verification: google21e1337f76d11fde.html always healthys: 7 SEXUAL DISEASES DUE TO UNSAFE SEX



1. Gonorrhea

It is a sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria. The bacterium is Neisseria gonorrhoeae that infects the inner lining of the urethra, cervix, rectum, throat, and the white part of the eye (conjunctiva). Gonorrhea is often known as gonorrhea, because the penis will release a white pus yellow or greenish white. Gonorrhea can spread through the bloodstream assigned to other bodies, teutama skin and joints.

The symptoms are very easily detected and known particularly for men. Characteristics are aching burning when you urinate, sometimes during urination or urinary will feel pain after a while, after it did not feel anymore. The second feature is the penis white discharge yellowish or greenish-hijaun. If you find two symptoms in yourself you can be sure you have been infected with this bacterium.

In women these symptoms are somewhat more difficult in the know, the early symptoms usually occur within 7-21 days after infection. Patients often do not feel the symptoms for weeks or months, and are known to suffer from the disease only after the sexual relationship infected partner. If symptoms develop, usually mild. But some patients showed severe symptoms, such as urgency to urinate, pain when urinating, vaginal discharge, and fever. Infection can affect the cervix, uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, urethra, and rectum and cause pain in the hips during intercourse.


These diseases include easily cured, if not late. Once there gelaja it immediately without waiting for a long time go to a specialist in skin and venereal for a given drug. Do occasionally buy their own drugs, because the drug must be in accordance with a doctor's prescription. If there are no specialist doctors, general practitioners can also, but more at the recommended directly to a specialist in skin and venereal.

Your doctor will give you 3 types of drugs for meals during the week. After that you have to come back for a check to the same doctor.

2. Syphilis or the Lion King

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease that is very dangerous, because they interfere with the function of the brain and other organs, caused by Treponema pallidum, Transmission occurs through sexual intercourse is not healthy ..

These bacteria enter the body through mucous membranes (vaginal or oral) or through the skin. Within hours, the bacterium reaches nearby lymph nodes, then spreads throughout the body via the blood. Syphilis can also infect the fetus in the womb and the fetus can cause birth defects.


Symptoms of this disease are similar to symptoms of other illnesses. Characteristic initially starts with blisters that tida sore on the penis or pubic and evolve in three stages, which can berlangusung more than 30 years.

Common symptoms that arise:

-Muncul Bumps around the genitals

-sometimes accompanied by dizziness and flu-like bone pain, which will disappear without treatment.

-There Red spots on the body around 6-12 weeks after sexual intercourse.

-during the first 2-3 years, the disease does not show any symptoms. But after 5-10 panyakit is attacking the nervous system of the brain, blood vessels, and heart.

-In Women the disease can be transmitted to the baby at birth.


Antibiotics stop the activity of the bacteria that causes syphilis, but its use must be taken as prescribed. So, if you feel the symptoms above then immediately consult, then follow the doctor's instructions.

3. Herpes

The disease is more commonly known as genital herpes (herpes kelaim). This is the cause of herpes Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) and transmitted through sexual intercourse, either vaginal, anal or oral sex that causes sores or blisters on the genitals and the straight section wound / nodule / wart.

The initial symptoms are usually itching, tingling and pain. Then will appear small reddish spots, followed by a group of small painful blisters. These blisters burst and combine to form a circular wound, and will form a scab.

Herpes appear between 3 to 10 days after contact with people who have the disease. But between 5-10 days, these symptoms will disappear and reappear. This gelaja arise hanging suspended body resistance.

The best treatment is to immediately visit your doctor and follow the prompts.

4. Chlamydia.

This condition has symptoms similar to gonorrhea, although it can also act without symptoms. In the United States, chlamydia is among the most treatable, but has infected about four million people each year. This disease can cause severe arthritis and infertility in men. Such as syphilis and gonorrhea, sufferers can be cured with antibiotics.

Caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. This infection is usually chronic, because as much as 70% of women initially did not feel any symptoms so it is not checked out.

Symptoms: watery vaginal discharge yellowish-white; Pain in the pelvis; Bleeding after sexual intercourse. Complications that may occur: Usually accompanies gonorrhea; Pelvic inflammatory disease; Infertility due to adhesions in the fallopian canal; Eye infections in newborns; Facilitate transmission of HIV infection.

Laboratory tests were performed to detect are Elisa, Rapid Tests and Giemsa

5. genital warts

Caused by the Human Papilloma Virus.

Symptoms: large wart-like skin bumps around the genitals (like a chicken's comb).

Complications that may occur: warts can grow like a tumor; can turn into cervical cancer; increases the risk of contracting HIV-AIDS. No need for a laboratory to detect directly visible to the naked eye.

6. Hepatitis B.

The disease is also often caused by unsafe sex. Hepatitis B may progress to liver cirrhosis or liver cancer. Every year, 200,000 cases were reported, although this is the only STD that can be prevented through vaccination.


It is common knowledge that one HIV transmission through sexual intercourse one of them unsafe. This disease is very dangerous and deadly, because it has not found a cure to date.

HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a virus that causes AIDS. This virus attacks the human white blood cells that are part of the most important in the immune system.

AIDS or Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome is a collection of symptoms as a result of the immune system.

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